Korg Electribe Electribrary

460 items found in the electribrary. Get inspired by other people's performances and livesets. Most of these performances are electribe-related

Live performance with korg electribe mx headphone mix
A track made with the Electribe. The fun part of the Electribe is the programming of the patterns. Its fantastic for synth programs and you can record all co...

youtube inspiration 

Sick jam w/ electric guitar effected by korg electribe emx-1 sd & korg mini kp kaoss pad
Just messin' around... This one's pretty basic. Hopefully got some more advanced vids of this nature comin'...

youtube inspiration emx 

Bliptronic midi synch to electribe!? - it's diy cv synch!
TEMPO SYNCHED! And I'll tell you how. Here is another nice jam that sounds like Boards of Canada. There is a little surprise if you stay until the end!

youtube inspiration